Coffee pal needed? Well you've come to the right place! My blog is a great place to sit back with your cup of joe, and share in this chick's idea of a balanced life! Feel free to browse for the sparkly moments of motherhood, fav recipes, inspiring words, and maybe even stumble onto something that makes you smile!
This life.
This one right now.
The growing to fullness, then shrinking to emptiness.
The creating of one's own.
The protecting of the heart.
The respect and politeness.
The drive for more.
The cherishing of traditions.
The needing.
Faith in hope.
The breaths we've caught.
The release.
The innocence and the ignorance.
The warmth of the sun.
The necessity of the rain.
The beauty of the moon.
The thrill of wind.
The worrying thoughts.
The randomness of dreams.
The devastation of weapons.
The power of a smile.
The ever-present dependency.
The patterns.
The ego.
Human error.
Not one life is so different.
Always and never.
Here for now.
There is no manual.
There is no right way. Enjoy your turn.
I know, I exist.
Oh the housework, the work that tears me away from my computer; the mundane sorting, cleaning, trimming, folding.. It piles up, it gets dusty, it clutters my rooms, it demands my attention, daily. The housework is the work of daily living, and since I live, daily, I am compelled to finish. My mind turns to autopilot, and my thoughts turn inward. Little snippets of the constant reminders to "pick up milk", and reassuring "library books due Wednesday, don't worry", flashing through my mind until the to-do list roll call quiets...for they are all things needing me, begging to be completed...and then, I feel a sense of sorting has already taken place. In the focusing of my mind to all things scattered in my consciousness, I have filed them neatly again. The never-ending has paused, through tedious washing of each plate, repetitive paths cutting the ever-growing lawn, the searching out and pairing of each sock, has helped me find temporary peace. The peace won't last, the demands are never-ceasing, but for now, yes for now there is again order, in my house.
So I will not gripe, or groan, as the leaves begin to fall, and I KNOW who will be raking each pile in the months to come.. No, because there is importance in each task-- the caring for your piece of the universe, your place you call home.. Clearing your mind, in such simple moments, without interruption of e-mails, tv schedule, texts..Feels good. Feels monotonous, for sure, but the end result is important. Until the next cup, keep smiling.
My resolution comes with the end of summer vacation.. A new path lay ahead for now my littlest chickadee is starting Junior Kindergarten. Pause that... Rewind... Play: My kids are growing at lightning speed! Son starting third grade and daughter in JK... wow. Thus leaving me feeling melancholy for a bit.
Enough dwelling, time stops for no woman, and I am realizing: I have so many things I want to learn in this world. So maybe this year will be the year I learn:
1. To play acoustic guitar.
2. To learn to drive standard. Why? Well why not?
3. The practices of yoga. Who's with me? Ommmmmmmm....
4. To grow a garden. I have fond memories of helping my mom with her vegetable gardens growing up. I get excited just thinking about it. Oh yes, this will happen this year, just can't decide yet what kind of garden I want to try first, hmmmmm..
5. To be a super-organized zen momma! Explanation: I don't want to feel that fear that I don't have it all together. Maybe it will always be out of reach, or maybe I already have it and I am not yet satisfied to pat my own back. It's a thinker!
Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study. Be a student so long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life. ~Henry L. Doherty
These are just a few of the things I've been meaning to learn, and I hope I truly follow through this year. I will keep you posted on my progress. Until the next cup of coffee and self-indulgent dreaming, I encourage you to dare yourself too! It can only make your universe that much more interesting! As always, keep smiling!
Hi, my name is Carrie, and I'm an over-sharer.. like so many out there, from Facebook, to Twitter, and of course the blogasphere, we've began to really enjoy showing the world our lives. Which wouldn't be so bad, except we may be getting addicted to the emotional response we get from having our peers judge our lifestyles. I too am guilty of this habit, but admitting it is the first step! There is help! I can promise that even after reading this, you may take a look at your own sharing habits and wonder if maybe the rest of the world isn't or shouldn't be on a need-to-know basis of your daily activities.
Did you know Facebook boasts to have over 750 million active users in the world. More to the point, an average Facebook user has 130 friends.. and is connected to approx. 80 community pages..
Wow, I know a lot of people, but how many of them am I willing to share my family photos with? how many would care to show up if I posted an event and invited all to come for a BBQ in my backyard?
Then why do we love these social networks? Well... honestly, status wars were what attracted me to the social network. It's true, I thought I was full of funny, quirky things to say, that everyone would love to read them! Who's with me? I loved reading my friends' funny statuses, and kept in the know with people just by reading something they felt the need to vent about via tweet or status box. That little box begs for you to tell your audience of acquaintances absolutely anything, and it doesn't even have to be your own words! Whatever clever quotes you want to share, or random lyrics from a song, you copy and paste and SHARE! Sit back and wait for the responses to your latest entry in the internet universe... a vicious cycle of emotional dependency, and my words of warning are that as long as it doesn't hurt anyone's personal lives (, friends, family), then it's not considered a problem. The moment you find yourself chatting online more than in person, that's a sign you may be in trouble. Shooting off a message online or text from your mobile phone is often easier than getting stuck in a real conversation with someone. <= Sad but so true!
So my next big step is to erase the 'LOL' and all those silly acronyms from my personal vocabulary... I know I will continue to try and make random people giggle with silly videos and funny statuses, but I vow to curb my real life exposure, and care less about what other people think of me. Everyone hopes to be liked, to be thought of as funny, creative, special... The truth of the matter is that no one can make you feel anything. Don't depend on anyone to boost your confidence for the day by 'liking' something you really love. Love it, and own it! Until my next cup, keep smiling world!
Disney movies weren't all about the subliminal messages. I took so many lessons away from watching those movies, who didn't? With love conquering all, warnings to beware of scary people, and that it's what's on the inside that counts. So for Friday's Fav, here's a list of cute and valuable lessons.
Making coffee in my house is done with ease with my new coffee press from Epicure that will survive even me! In the past my coffee press streak has not been good; cracks in the glass, thin glass breaking in the sink while getting ready to wash, ugh! This snazzy, insulated, polished steel French coffee press is a must for clumsy coffee lovers like moi!
Hello good friends! Grab your cup! Wait...curious me: which cup do you choose? do you have a favourite? Is it short and petite? Or big? Pretty? Classic looking? Perhaps plain? I change it up a lot, today happens to be my red cup! You know what? My coffee tastes amazing! It has nothing to do with my cup by the way, hehe, but more to do with what I put in it. I get creative some days and add cinnamon and nutmeg to the grounds. Some days there may be vanilla added to my water before brewing. I love variety, it's the spice of life after all, and makes life interesting. The coffee is drank not for nourishment, but for pleasure. I don't need the caffeine jolt --although it is quite welcomed some days--but I seem to actually relax into my cup. Maybe it's from past memories of drinking it while having fantastic convos with friends, or maybe it's a reminder of my time as a child, waking up to that smell in my grandma's house and getting a little cup of it all to myself... For whatever reasons, I am a fan for life, and like life, my coffee is sweet, sometimes strong tasting, to which I sweeten in my own way with the tools I'm given. So enjoy your cup, whichever you choose, and be content with what you put in it! Cheers! ;)
Just got back from Mexico friends! While my husband and I enjoyed our second honeymoon(yes, married 10 years with 2 kids definitely warrants one, haha), I indulged quite a bit in the guacamole! Now back in St. Thomas, it's the Canada long weekend, and I'm keeping this new favourite snack! So swap your coffee for a yummy ceasar, and try this recipe, you will love it!
3 Tbsp (45 ml) Epicure's Guacamole Dip Mix
2 ripe avocados, peeled, pitted and mashed
1/2 cup (125 ml) sour cream
1 Tbsp (15 ml) lemon or lime juice
1. Combine all ingredients. Refrigerate dip for 1 hour to allow flavours to mellow.
Eaten in moderation, avocados are an excellent source of heart-healthy monosaturated fats, which may also help lower bad cholesterol.
Per Serving (2 Tbsp (30 ml)) : Calories 70, Fat 6 g (Saturated 1 g, Trans 0 g), Cholesterol 5 mg, Sodium 90 mg, Carbohydrate 5 g (Fibre 2 g, Sugars 1 g), Protein 2 g.
I am a truly lucky girl, to have a great man, great kids, and great friends. It's worth shouting to the cyber universe!
I see the beauty in this world and am thankful to be in it! From the grayest skies to the brightest sunset, we take for granted sometimes the awesomeness of being.
I am blessed with a fantastic family! Even if we don't get together as often as we like, we make the times together special.
I often wish I could be closer to all my peeps. My social circle is wide and full of amazing individuals, and no matter how frequent it is that we connect I will always treasure them in my life.
I am thankful for the existence of caffeine and cheese curds.
I am grateful for my mom, she has made me the person I am, even the crazy parts, haha!
I am that girl that finds music videos and funny time wasting youtube clips entertaining, and am thankful to the friends that put up with my silly hobby.
1. Preheat oven to 350° F (175° C).
2. Combine all ingredients until well-blended and spoon into Epicure’s Baker. (or pie-sized baking dish)
3. Bake for 20–30 minutes, or until heated through.
Dear Friends, I marvel at the beautiful creation of a smaller version of ourselves combined with another.
"The beauty of my body is not measured by the size of the clothes it can fit into, but by the stories that it tells. I have a belly and hips that say, "We grew a child in here," and breasts that say, "We nourished life." My hands, with bitten nails and a writer's callus, say, "We create amazing things.""
-Sarah, from I Am Beautiful: A Celebration of Women in Their Own Words
I also believe whole-heartedly that birthing does not make you a mother. Genetically being tied to your little one does not make you closer or more in-tune with your child. Parents are born too. I have had the pleasure of knowing some very loving individuals that have opened their hearts to raise a family. I see no difference in how we become parents, as separating how we are connected to our children.
So what about the preparations for the arrival of a baby? Baby showers are events we organize to help new parents in the material aspect of planning. We think of fun games for a gathering of women to play, award prizes for not saying the word "baby", and somehow try to help new moms prepare for the struggles that lie ahead. Of all the times women need other women, it's when we are in need of outside strength, wisdom, and reassurance in the 'before' moments of motherhood. Gift registries are helpful but are never going to have on them what we actually need at this time.
I have recently felt a wave of clarity on this subject... I love party planning as much as the next gal, making sure every gathering I host has a theme, is decorated and organized with some thought behind it. Having said this, I think when planning for the arrival of your child it can be scary, exciting, and lonely. No one else can tell you what the proper tools are-- what car seat, or the necessary Bumbo chair, or tummy-time activity mat. These are the wants, you will learn the needs later... So it gives us comfort, to hear the stories from other mothers, to share in your connection with them and hear them give a prep-talk for the journey ahead.
So mamas, give that special gift to the new mommy-to-be, but give it with a thoughtful piece of advice too. Words are what we can offer from the heart, and stand for so much more.
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. -Ferris Bueller
Sorry for the gap in my posts, my life has been moving pretty fast lately, so I'm going to press pause and look around here with you.
Ever notice we go through cycles through our relationships with people? Sometimes with our spouses, with our parents, or with our kids--you get where I'm going...Our friends. The people we turn to outside of our inner network, for unbiased opinions, support, and good laughs. We don't ever mean to lose touch with all the friends we meet on our journey through life, and thanks to the existence of Facebook, we can reconnect or keep in touch with all those "friends". We will have a few very close friends, and depending on where we are in our life, we find a "shift change" and sub-in different friends. Call me an optimist, but I truly believe that your closest friends you will have can let this cycle happen and still maintain an arm's length friendship, falling back in step like you always were.
My friends it seems motherhood is a strange new place, and everyone acts like they set the pace. With intentions of raising well-rounded wee ones, we set off on our journey and hope that we're even. Which path will you take? You need to choose.. For there are mothers already with their parenting views! Co-sleeping, or baby-wearing, be loving and kind, there's no real line in the sand in my mind! What you choose for your little one is not up for debate. You aren't on trial for your parenting traits!
"And when things start to happen, don't worry. Don't stew. Just go right along. You'll start happening too."
Easier said then done, I say! With laundry, and groceries, and meals to be made. It seems as though we get stuck in a spot, where the days we need rest and the children do not! Chores will get done, kids will get tired, while coffee and chocolate keep mommy hard-wired.
"And when you're in a Slump,
you're not in for much fun.
Un-slumping yourself
is not easily done."
So we are pulled and brought back by our friends with big shoulders, other moms who have felt this and needed supporters. For they were right from the start with their warnings of blue days, and although hard to admit help wanted is okay.
"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." ~Albert Schweitzer
Mom Friends--we all need them. We surround ourselves with different friend personalities without knowing it. We nurture ourselves by reaching out to a particular friend depending on what we are going through. Generations of instinctive mothering has been bred into us, and yet we still need a network of pals to keep us grounded and show support when we feel lost.
I always thought of myself as a house. I was always what I lived in. It didn't need to be big. It didn't even need to be beautiful. It just needed to be mine. I became what I was meant to be. I built myself a life. I built myself a house.-- George Monroe from Life as a House
Well dear friends, I hope your mug is full! As I sip my delicious brew of java, I am reminded of a conversation I had with some great moms.. Let's think outside the box right now dawlings and picture your house as a metaphor for parenting. When we look at it that way it's easy to see how parenting has changed how we live, where we live, the rooms we live in, even the 'foundation' we build our lives as parents on.
Do you wonder what other parents do when their little one can't sleep? I hope I'm not the only mom google-ing every possible solution to potty training woes? It's true motherhood is the most important job you'll have, offering constant demands, and infinite rewards. This is our chosen career. We are faced with on-the-job training, no handbook, and some days we just need a girlfriend to listen to us.
In a perfect world, moms would be able to manifest 6 more arms to run our households like a hotel complete with restaurant, maid service, childcare and taxi service. Reality checks in and whether you like it or not society lets you know your expected job tasks. So how do we cope? Balancing family and career comes easier when we ask for help. We can lend a hand to our sleep-deprived friend that is so clearly in need of a hug and a shoulder and someone to say "I've been where you are, it will get better, I'm here to help." This blog was inspired by my weekly social circle of moms that need to hear these such words. It does really take a village to raise a family, and I am thankful to have my 'village' on the dark and light days of motherhood. The network of like-minded moms to turn to has to be the best tool for a new mom. I hope this spot will inspire 'momfidence' by offering help and hope to those that need it. So take a deep breath, pull up a chair, raise your mug, and let's talk.