Monday 21 March 2011

You've got a Friend in ME!

"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." ~Albert Schweitzer
       Mom Friends--we all need them.  We surround ourselves with different friend personalities without knowing it.  We nurture ourselves by reaching out to a particular friend depending on what we are going through.  Generations of instinctive mothering has been bred into us, and yet we still need a network of pals to keep us grounded and show support when we feel lost. 
"The Brutally Honest Friend"- We sometimes need to be told what we fear to be true.  Some days we need a friend to call us on our bad moments and shed a realist's take on our situation.  They remain neutral, but call it how it is.  This friend is very important for keeping level-headed.  Be thankful for her honest approach and advice she offers. Though she may not be the one you turn to for a sugar-coated pat on the back, reality checks in and you find empowerment from her support.
"The Mom in the Same Boat"-  When you feel like you're paddling against a current of broken sleep, diaper rashes, and teething babes, it's nice to know you're not alone.  With this friend you can find solutions together for parenting woes, trade-off kid watching to each other for an afternoon of peace, and be a phone call away when you're pacing the house with a cranky babe.  Be careful not to compare and compete with this friend and just be there for each other.
"The Glamorous Girlfriend"- This lady is your friend to your other personality.  You know, that part of you that would some days trade in her grocery-getter complete with child car-seats and toddler tunes for a styling convertible? This girl can be there with her wardrobe when your partner surprises you with date night and all your clothes smell of baby puke.  She may not totally get your mothering-related problems, but you treasure her for the reminder of life before baby.  While you boast to her the frequency and colour of your little one's bowel movements, she at least can be a sympathetic ear for you.  Different stages in life can be a hard obstacle to maneuver this relationship around, but that's a test of strength for this friendship.
"The Been-There-Done-This Friend"- We all need some reassuring friend to tell us we aren't the first mother in the world to have these problems.  A friend to give us advice on something they have already experienced is a great friend to have!  Be aware though that not everything that worked for them will work for you, and carry that forward when you are asked advice on something you've been through. 

     There are other mom friends that you will never fully be able to connect with, though you may have been friends back before parenthood.  There may even be friends that will judge and compare their parenting styles with yours.  Guess what? this isn't school.  There is no special club that you fail to meet entrance criteria. This is motherhood.  You will always get an "A" for choosing what is right for your child.  You will always be the most popular in your little one's eyes.  So on good days and bad, surround yourself with the best friends for your world--your parenting inner circle.  Be as open-minded and supportive as you would want your friends to be.  Take what you can from the best parts, and never feel alone in this journey.     

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