Sunday 12 June 2011

I am thankful...

I am a truly lucky girl, to have a great man, great kids, and great friends.  It's worth shouting to the cyber universe!

I see the beauty in this world and am thankful to be in it!  From the grayest skies to the brightest sunset, we take for granted sometimes the awesomeness of being.

I am blessed with a fantastic family! Even if we don't get together as often as we like, we make the times together special.

I often wish I could be closer to all my peeps. My social circle is wide and full of amazing individuals, and no matter how frequent it is that we connect I will always treasure them in my life.

I am thankful for the existence of caffeine and cheese curds.

I am grateful for my mom, she has made me the person I am, even the crazy parts, haha!

I am that girl that finds music videos and funny time wasting youtube clips entertaining, and am thankful to the friends that put up with my silly hobby.

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