Friday, 16 September 2011

The Importance of Housework...

Oh the housework, the work that tears me away from my computer; the mundane sorting, cleaning, trimming, folding..  It piles up, it gets dusty, it clutters my rooms, it demands my attention, daily.  The housework is the work of daily living, and since I live, daily, I am compelled to finish.  My mind turns to autopilot, and my thoughts turn inward.  Little snippets of the constant reminders to "pick up milk", and reassuring "library books due Wednesday, don't worry", flashing through my mind until the to-do list roll call quiets...for they are all things needing me, begging to be completed...and then, I feel a sense of sorting has already taken place.  In the focusing of my mind to all things scattered in my consciousness, I have filed them neatly again. The never-ending has paused, through tedious washing of each plate, repetitive paths cutting the ever-growing lawn, the searching out and pairing of each sock, has helped me find temporary peace.  The peace won't last, the demands are never-ceasing, but for now, yes for now there is again order, in my house.
So I will not gripe, or groan, as the leaves begin to fall, and I KNOW who will be raking each pile in the months to come.. No, because there is importance in each task-- the caring for your piece of the universe, your place you call home.. Clearing your mind, in such simple moments, without interruption of e-mails, tv schedule, texts..Feels good.  Feels monotonous, for sure, but the end result is important. Until the next cup, keep smiling.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Reach for More..

My resolution comes with the end of summer vacation.. A new path lay ahead for now my littlest chickadee is starting Junior Kindergarten.  Pause that... Rewind...  Play: My kids are growing at lightning speed! Son starting third grade and daughter in JK... wow.  Thus leaving me feeling melancholy for a bit.
Enough dwelling, time stops for no woman, and I am realizing: I have so many things I want to learn in this world.  So maybe this year will be the year I learn:
1.  To play acoustic guitar.
2.  To learn to drive standard.  Why? Well why not?
3.  The practices of yoga. Who's with me? Ommmmmmmm....
4.  To grow a garden.  I have fond memories of helping my mom with her vegetable gardens growing up.  I get excited just thinking about it.  Oh yes, this will happen this year, just can't decide yet what kind of garden I want to try first, hmmmmm..
5.  To be a super-organized zen momma!  Explanation: I don't want to feel that fear that I don't have it all together. Maybe it will always be out of reach, or maybe I already have it and I am not yet satisfied to pat my own back. It's a thinker!

Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study.  Be a student so long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life.  ~Henry L. Doherty
These are just a few of the things I've been meaning to learn, and I hope I truly follow through this year.  I will keep you posted on my progress.  Until the next cup of coffee and self-indulgent dreaming, I encourage you to dare yourself too! It can only make your universe that much more interesting! As always, keep smiling!

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